Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : December 2nd 2024
Case: Agenda #11 #6640 BOA-003143-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Austin Wittner
Location: 7290 Howells Ferry Road
Applicant/Agent: Austin Wittner
Council District: District 7
Proposal: Use Variance to allow the construction of a pole barn/shop without a primary dwelling in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires a primary dwelling prior to the allowance of accessory structures in an R-1, Single Family Residential Suburban District.
Case: Agenda #10 #6638/644 BOA-SE-003140-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Barton and Shumer (David Shumer)
Location: 3600 Old Shell Road
Applicant/Agent: Barton and Shumer (David Shumer)
Council District: District 7
Proposal: Special Exception approval to allow a self-service storage facility in a B-2, Neighborhood Business Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires a Special Exception to allow a self-service storage facility in a B-2, Neighborhood Business Suburban District.
Case: Agenda #09 #6637/6494 BOA-003138-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
FD Stonewater (Michael Cartoski)
Location: 100 Canal Street
Applicant/Agent: FD Stonewater (Michael Cartoski)
Council District: District 2
Proposal: Sign Variance to allow a 47.7± square foot wall plaque and a 53.2± square foot monument sign in a T-5.2 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) limits wall plaques to a maximum of 8 square feet and monument signs to a maximum of 20 square feet in a T-5.2 Sub-District of the Downtown Development District.
Case: Agenda #08 #6636/4525/3365/2146
Case Type:
Byrd Surveying (Kari Givens)
Location: 4450 Old Shell Road
Applicant/Agent: Byrd Surveying (Kari Givens)
Council District: District 7
Proposal: Sidewalk Width, Vehicular Parking Access Width, and Street Tree Spacing Variances to allow sidewalks less than 12-foot wide, vehicular parking access exceeding 30-foot wide, and street trees spaced more than 30-feet apart in a Village Center Sub-District of the Spring Hill Overlay District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires 12-foot wide sidewalks, vehicular parking access not to exceed 30-feet in width, and street trees spaced no more than 30-feet apart in a Village Center Sub-District of the Spring Hill Overlay District.
Case: Agenda #07 #6635 BOA-003136-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Vertical Bridge REIT, LLC / Mary Palmer, Agent
Location: 2400 Dubose Street
Applicant/Agent: Vertical Bridge REIT, LLC / Mary Palmer, Agent
Council District: District 1
Proposal: Height, Setback, Landscaping, Design and Separation Buffer Variances to allow a 160-foot high telecommunications facility with reduced setbacks, no camouflage, no landscaping and reduced buffer separation in a B-3, Community Business Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) limits structures to 45 feet tall, requires a property line setback equal to the tower height, requires telecommunications facilities to be camouflaged, provide compliant landscaping, and compliant buffer separations in a B-3, Community Business Urban District.
Case: Agenda #06 #6634 BOA-SE-003135-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Vertical Bridge REIT, LLC / Mary Palmer, Agent
Location: 2400 Dubose Street
Applicant/Agent: Vertical Bridge REIT, LLC / Mary Palmer, Agent
Council District: District 1
Proposal: Special Exception approval to allow a telecommunications facility requiring a Class 4 permit in a B-3, Community Business Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires a Special Exception to allow a telecommunications facility requiring a Class 4 permit in a B-3, Community Business Urban District.
Case: Agenda #05 #6633 BOA-003132-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
BTG, LLC (Robert Clay Buckley)
Location: 5201 Girby Road
Applicant/Agent: BTG, LLC (Robert Clay Buckley)
Council District: District 4
Proposal: Parking Ratio Variance to allow reduced parking (44 spaces) for a proposed multi-family development in a B-3, Community Business Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires 1.5 parking spaces per dwelling unit for a proposed multi-family development (42 dwelling units) in a B-3, Community Business Suburban District.
Case: Agenda #04 #6632/4369 BOA-003131-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Christopher Davies
Location: 207 Rapier Avenue
Applicant/Agent: Christopher Davies
Council District: District 2
Proposal: Rear Yard Setback Variance to allow the placement of an accessory structure within the required rear yard setback in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires structures to be a minimum of 5-feet from the rear yard property line in an R-1, Single Family Residential Urban District.
Case: Agenda #03 #6631/563/375 BOA-003127-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Infirmary Health System, Inc. (Victor Sign Company, LLC, Agent)
Location: 1720 Spring Hill Avenue
Applicant/Agent: Infirmary Health System, Inc. (Victor Sign Company, LLC, Agent)
Council District: District 1
Proposal: Sign Variance to allow three (3) monument signs for a multi-tenant site with less than 1,201 linear feet of street frontage in a B-1, Buffer Business Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires multi-tenant sites to have at least 1,201 linear feet of street frontage to be allowed three (3) monument signs in a B-1, Buffer Business Urban District.
Case: Agenda #02 #6630 BOA-003111-2024
Case Type: Public Hearings
Dixie Designs, LLC (Charles Elliot, Agent)
Location: 306 and 308 Glenwood Street
Applicant/Agent: Dixie Designs, LLC (Charles Elliot, Agent)
Council District: District 5
Proposal: Use Variance to allow a warehouse in a B-2, Neighborhood Business Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) does not allow warehouses in a B-2, Neighborhood Business Urban District.
Case: Agenda #01 #6557 BOA-002684-2023
Case Type: Extensions
Murphy D. Bishop II
Location: 1410 Government Street
Applicant / Agent: Murphy D. Bishop II
Council District: District 2
Proposal: Use Variance to allow a social club in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) does not allow a social club in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Urban District.
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
Click on the meeting date to submit comments on active cases, view staff reports or letters of decision. Comments may be submitted on upcoming agenda items up to 24 hours prior to the meeting.
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