Planning Commission
Planning Commission meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : March 17th 2016
Case: ZON2016-00359
Case Type: New Planned Unit Development Applications
Board of Water and Sewer Commissioners of the City of Mobile, AL
4725 Moffett Road
(South Side of Moffett Road at the South terminus of Shelton Beach Road Extension).
Council District 7
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development to allow a drive thru lane for an external kiosk and new access point.
Case: ZON2016-00315
Case Type: Other Business
Brian Williamson
Northeast corner of Bellingrath Drive and Bellingrath Drive East
Request to vacate a platted drainage and utility easement in the Planning Jurisdiction.
Case: ZON2016-00126
Case Type: Holdovers
Steven L. Terry
8500 Goldmine Road North
(North side of Goldmine Road North, at the North terminus of Goldmine Road East).
Request to vacate Right of Way in the Planning Jurisdiction
Case: ZON2015-02890
Case Type: Holdovers
Pinebrook Investment, LLC
3950, 3952, 3954, 3958, 3960, 3962, 3964, 3966, 3968, 3972 Airport Boulevard and 271, 273, 275, 277, 279, 281 and 283 South McGregor Avenue
(Northwest corner of Airport Boulevard and South McGregor Avenue).
Council District 5
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development to allow changes in parking layout, location of marque signs, sidewalk designs and expansion of westernmost driveway to accommodate an additional turning lane.
Case: SUB2016-00016 (Subdivision) ZON2016-00375 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2016-00374 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Group Applications
R J Estates Subdivision / Jay Ross
1114 Caroline Avenue and 1111 Dauphin Street
(North side of Caroline Avenue, 205?± West of South Hallett Street, extending to the South side of Dauphin Street, 205?± West of South Hallett Street).
Council District 2
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 1.6± Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Speaks & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow multiple buildings on a single building site along with shared access between building sites.
Rezoning from B-1, Buffer-Business District, to R-1, Single-Family Residential District, and B-1, Buffer-Business District to allow a residence and business office.
Case: SUB2016-00015 (Subdivision) ZON2016-00372 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2016-00370 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Group Applications
Sunset Ranch Subdivision / Jai Skaar
1416 Azalea Road
(West side of Azalea Road, 315?± North of Halls Mill Road).
Council District 4
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 2.2± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Justin Palmer, PLS
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development to allow multiple buildings on a single building site.
Rezoning from B-1, Buffer Business District, to B-3, Community Business District, to allow an existing multi-family development.
Case: SUB2016-00014
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Lakeside Commercial Park Subdivision, Joy Springs Addition, Resubdivision of Lot B
3740 Joy Springs Drive
(North side of Joy Springs Drive, 210?± West of Lakeside Drive).
Council District 4
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 2.1± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Engineering and Surveying, Inc.
Case: SUB2016-00013
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Three Lancaster Estates Subdivision
9850 Lancaster Road
(West side of Lancaster Road, 1.5± mile South of Laurendine Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 4.1± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Stewart Surveying, Inc.
Case: SUB2016-00008
Case Type: Holdovers
Iain Frost Subdivision, Resubdivision of Lots 3 and 4
435 Dykes Road South
(East side of Dykes Road South, 150?± South of Turmac Drive).
Number of Lots / Acres: 3 Lots / 4.7± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Case: SUB2016-00001 (Subdivision) (Holdover) ZON2016-00508 (Planned Unit Development)
Case Type: Group Applications
Johnny?s RV Park Subdivision
6021, 6049 and 6075 Middle Road and 5684 & 5688 U.S. Highway 90 West
(East side of Middle Road, 400?± North of Plantation Road, extending to the East side of U.S. Highway 90 West).
Council District 4
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 11.8± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow multiple buildings on a single building site along with shared access and parking between building sites.
Case: SUB2015-00161 (Subdivision) ZON2015-02888 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2015-02894 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Holdovers
ASM Subdivision / ASM Recycling
2751 & 2752 Mckinney Street, 521 Bay Shore Avenue, 1519 & 2810 Mill Street
(West terminus of McKinney Street extending to Mill Street).
Council District 1
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 10.0± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Engineering & Surveying, Inc.
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow multiple buildings on a single building site.
Rezoning from B-2, Neighborhood Business District, and I-1, Light-Industry District, to I-1, Light-Industry District, to allow a recycle center and eliminate split zoning.
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Planning Commission Application (revised March 1, 2025)
Short-Term Rental - Conditional Use Permit Application (revised March, 1 2025)
Sidewalk Waiver Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Acquisition of Private Right-of-Way Easement Application
Voluntary Conditions and Use Restrictions Form
Extension of Approval Request Form
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