Planning Commission
Planning Commission meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : November 20th 2014
Case: ZON2014-02286
Case Type: New Planning Approval Applications
Boomer?s Automotive Interior
4132 Government Boulevard
(North side of Government Boulevard, 130?± East of U.S. Highway 90 Drive).
Council District 4
Planning Approval to allow an upholstery shop in an B-2, Neighborhood Business District
Case: ZON2014-02285
Case Type: New Sidewalk Waiver Applications
Adnan Al-Sadek
West side of Schillinger Road, 320?± North of Zeigler Boulevard.
Request to waive construction of a sidewalk along Schillinger Road (City right-of-way)
Case: ZON2014-01871 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2014-01945 (Planning Approval)
Case Type: Holdovers
UMS Wright Corporation
65 North Mobile Street
(Southwest corner of Mobile Street and Old Shell Road, extending North and West to the CN Railroad right-of-way and the South terminus of Martin Street).
Council District 1
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development to add a middle school, proposed baseball training facility metal storage building, announcers booth (at the existing softball field) and multiple buildings on a single building site.
Planning Approval to amend a previously approved Planning Approval to allow an expansion of an existing church school in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District.
Case: SUB2014-00139
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
D.L. Atchison Farmettes Subdivision, Addition to
North side of Ben Hamilton Road, 1059?± North of the Northern terminus of March Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 18.0± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Case: SUB2014-00138 (Subdivision) ZON2014-02275 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2014-02268 (Planning Approval) ZON2014-02270 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Group Applications
Springhill Baptist Church Subdivision
2 South McGregor Avenue
(East side of South McGregor Avenue, 100?± South of Old Shell Road, and West side of South McGregor Avenue, 295?± South of Old Shell Road).
Council District 7
Number of Lots / Acres: 3 Lots / 11.0± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Hatch Mott MacDonald
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow multiple buildings on multiple building sites.
Planning Approval to allow an expansion of an existing church in a R-1, Single-Family Residential District.
Rezoning from R-1, Single-Family Residential District, and B-2, Neighborhood Business District, to R-1, Single-Family Residential District, to eliminate split zoning.
Case: SUB2014-00137
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Calgary Subdivision
1618, 1660 and 1700 Leroy Stevens Road
(West side of Leroy Stevens Road, 2/10± mile South of Jeff Hamilton Road Extension).
Number of Lots / Acres: 46 Lots / 17.7± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Austin Engineering Company, Inc.
Case: SUB2014-00136 (Subdivision) ZON2014-02258 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2014-02257 (Sidewalk Waiver)
Case Type: Group Applications
Hamilton McDonald?s Subdivision / McDonald?s USA, LLC
5827 and 5831 U. S. Highway 90 West
(Southeast corner of U.S. Highway 90 West and Hamilton Boulevard)
Council District 4
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 6.9± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Hutchinson, Moore & Rauch, LLC
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow shared access and parking between two building sites.
Request to waive construction of a sidewalk along U.S. Highway 90 West and Hamilton Boulevard.
Case: SUB2014-00135
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Government Boulevard Commerce Park Subdivision, Resubdivision of Lots 16 & 17
1101 & 1105 I-65 Commerce Drive
(Southeast corner of I-65 Commerce Drive and Commerce Court East).
Council District 4
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.1± Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Case: SUB2014-00134 (Subdivision) ZON2014-02244 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Group Applications
Shed Development Subdivision / Wells Ventures LLC
5753 Old Shell Road
(Southeast corner of Old Shell Road and Long Street).
Council District 6
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 6.2± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Clark, Geer, Latham & Associates Inc.
Rezoning from B-2, Neighborhood Business District, to B-2, Neighborhood Business District and B-3, Community Business District, to allow a hotel and future retail development.
Case: SUB2014-00133
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Island Farms Subdivision, A Resubdivision of Lots 1, 2 & 3
2461 Island Road
(Southeast corner of Dauphin Island Parkway and Island Road, extending to the Northeast corner of Dauphin Island Parkway and Ila Drive).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 2.2± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Northstar Engineering Services
Case: SUB2014-00132 (Subdivision) ZON2014-02229 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Group Applications
Bel Air Boulevard Subdivision, Wendco Addition to / R & R Holdings, LLC
3113 Airport Boulevard
(Southwest corner of Airport Boulevard and Bel Air Boulevard).
Council District 5
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.0± Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: The Coleman Engineering Group of McCrory & Williams, Inc.
Rezoning from R-1, Single-Family Residential District, and B-3, Community Business District, to B-3, Community Business District to accommodate an existing restaurant.
Case: SUB2014-00131 (Subdivision) ZON2014-02188 (Planned Unit Development) ZON2014-02190 (Planning Approval)
Case Type: Group Applications
Ladd Peebles Stadium Subdivision
1621 Virginia Street
(Southeast corner of Virginia Street and Lott Street, extending to the North side of Dublin Street East).
Council District 2
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 43.1± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Joe Schifano
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow shared access between two building sites.
Planning Approval to allow a cell tower in a B-3, Community Business District.
Case: SUB2014-00129
Case Type: Holdovers
Villages of Deer River Subdivision
3100 Sunset Road
(North side of Sunset Road, 2/10± mile West of Dauphin Island Parkway).
Number of Lots / Acres: 13 Lots / 7.9± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Surveying & Engineering Co., Inc.
Case: SUB2014-00127
Case Type: Holdovers
Maxwell Place Subdivision
(East and West sides of Begeman Road extending to the East side of Snow Road South and extending to the West side Hale Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 52 Lots / 16.8±Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Austin Engineering Co., Inc.
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Planning Commission Application (revised March 1, 2025)
Short-Term Rental - Conditional Use Permit Application (revised March, 1 2025)
Sidewalk Waiver Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Acquisition of Private Right-of-Way Easement Application
Voluntary Conditions and Use Restrictions Form
Extension of Approval Request Form
Comment Submission