Planning Commission
Planning Commission meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : January 3rd 2008
Case: ZON2007-02848
Case Type: New Planned Unit Development Applications
Global Tel Link
2607 and 2609 Cameron Street, and 51, 53, and 55 Alexander Street.
(South side of Cameron Street 150? ± West of Alexander Street, extending to the West side of Alexander Street 100? ± South of Cameron Street).
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow multiple buildings on multiple building sites with shared access and parking between building sites.
Council District 1
Case: ZON2007-02809 (Sidewalk Waiver)/ZON2007-02808 (Planned Unit Development)/ZON2007-02807 (Planning Approval)
Case Type: Group Applications
Moffett Road Assembly of God
6159 Moffett Road
(South side of Moffett Road, ¾ mile+ West of Powell Drive).
Request to waive construction of a sidewalk along Moffett Road.
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow multiple buildings on a single building site.
Planning Approval to allow the expansion of an existing church in an R-1, Single-Family Residential District, to include a maintenance storage/workshop building and additional parking.
Council District 7
Case: ZON2007-02714 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Holdovers
Rollie Steele
East side of East Drive, 240?+ North of Eastridge Place.
Rezoning from R-1, Single-Family Residential, to R-2, Two-Family Residential, to allow a duplex residence.
Council District 5
Case: SUB2007-00322
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Wildlife Preservation LLC Subdivision
10090 McLeod Road
(North side of McLeod Road, 640? ± East of Oyler Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 9.7 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Lawler and Company
Case: SUB2007-00321
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
The Mobile Commerce Park Subdivision, Phase I, The Resubdivision of Lot 4, Resubdivision of Lot 3, and Lot 4-B
East side of Commerce Boulevard East, 270? ± South of Todd Acres Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 8.5 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00320
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Stone Hedge Subdivision, Unit Five, Resubdivision of Lots 14 and 15
North side of Oakbrook Court at its West terminus.
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.0 ± Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00319
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
R & C Leasing Subdivision
7535 Theodore Dawes Road
(West side of Theodore Dawes Road, 140?+ South of the West terminus of
Helton Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 4.7+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Lawler and Company
Case: SUB2007-00318
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Harmony Ridge Subdivision, Unit 4
East terminus of Harmony Ridge Circle South, extending to the East terminus of Harmony Ridge Circle North.
Number of Lots / Acres: 20 Lots / 9.4 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Speaks & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00317
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Creekwood Subdivision, Unit III
South terminus of Ridgeline Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 26 Lots / 36.0 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Colman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00316
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Alabaster Subdivision
North side of Howells Ferry Road, ¼ mile ± East of the North terminus of Havens Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 9 Lots / 11.5 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Speaks & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00315
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Abba Temple Subdivision
7701 Hitt Road
(Southeast Corner of Schillinger and Hitt Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 4 Lots / 39.3 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00314
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Highcrest Subdivision, Unit One, Resubdivision of Lot 63
South side of Yorkwood Road South, 250± West of Brookline Drive West.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 1.1 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Surveying and Engineering, Inc.
Council District 6
Case: SUB2007-00313 (Subdivision)/ZON2007-02843 (Planned Unit Development)
Case Type: Group Applications
Bradford Place Townhomes, Resubdivision of, Resubdivision of
East side of West Drive at the East terminus of Northwoods Court, extending to the West side of Center Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 40 Lots / 3.9± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: M. Don Williams Engineering
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development to allow a gated private street single-family residential subdivision with a 6? high wood fence and brick wall within the front 25? minimum building setback line.
Council District 5
Case: SUB2007-00312
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Madison-Law Subdivision
11050 Tanner Williams Road
(North side of Tanner Williams Road, 325?+ East of Pumping Station Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 2.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Wattier Surveying, Inc.
Case: SUB2007-00311
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Nautical Pointe Subdivision
East side of Dauphin Island Parkway, 770?+ North of Dog River.
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.7+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Council District 3
Case: SUB2007-00310
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Bethel Place Subdivision
1825 Snow Road North
(West side of Snow Road North, 4/10 mile+ South of Whip Poor Will Drive).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Case: SUB2007-00309
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Hillport Commercial Subdivision
6401 Airport Boulevard
(Southwest corner of Airport Boulevard and Hillcrest Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.7+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Council District 6
Case: SUB2007-00308
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Huff Family Division Subdivision
6451 Maurice Poiroux Road
(East side of Maurice Poiroux Road, 990?+ South of Leytham Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 3 Lots / 10.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Case: SUB2007-00296 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Holdovers
The Christian Bible Teaching Church Subdivision
1805 Duncan Street
(South side of Duncan Street, 70?+ East of Houston Street).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.3+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Surveying & Engineering Co., Inc.
Council District 3
Case: SUB2007-00293 (Subdivision)/ZON2007-02725 (Planned Unit Development)
Case Type: Holdovers
Omni Office Park Subdivision, Sixth Addition, Resubdivision of Lot 2, Resubdivision of Lot 2B
Northeast corner of Hillcrest Road and Omni Park Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.7+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Frank A. Dagley & Associates, Inc.
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow two buildings on a single building site.
Council District 6
Case: SUB2007-00282 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Holdovers
Conception-New Jersey Subdivision
857 South Conception Street
(Southeast corner of Conception Street and New Jersey Street).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 8.3+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Council District 3
Case: SUB2007-00279 (Subdivision)/ZON2007-02695 (Planned Unit Development)/ZON2007-02696 (Planning Approval)
Case Type: Holdovers
Apostolic Faith Church Subdivision
969 Weinacker Avenue
(West side of Weinacker Avenue, 100?+ North of Dublin Street, extending to the North side of Dublin Street, 95?+ East of Weinacker Avenue).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.4+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Marshall A. McLeod, P.L.S., L.L.C.
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow two buildings on a single building site.
Planning Approval to allow the expansion of an existing church in an R-1, Single-Family Residential district, for a storage shed.
Council District 3
Case: SUB2007-00274 (Subdivision)/ZON2007-02598 (Planned Unit Development)/ZON2007-02611 (Planning Approval)
Case Type: Holdovers
St. Dominic Catholic Church Subdivision/St. Dominic Catholic Church
4068, 4156, & 4160 Burma Road, and 1168 Santa Maria Court
(North side of Burma Road, between Santa Maria Court and St. Dominic Place).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot 13.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Planned Unit Development Approval for the Master Plan of an existing church to allow multiple buildings on a single building site.
Planning Approval to allow the expansion of a parking lot at an existing church in an R-1, Single-Family Residential district.
Council District 4
Case: SUB2007-00249 (Subdivision)/ZON2007-02464 (Planned Unit Development)/ZON2007-02709 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Holdovers
McMurray Place Subdivision/McMurray Place, LLC
South side of Johnston Lane, extending from the West side of Rosedale Avenue (vacated right-of-way) to the centerline of Dickenson Avenue (vacated right-of-way), and to McCay Avenue (vacated right-of-way), 95?+ South of Johnston Lane.
Number of Lots / Acres: 58 Lots / 12.8+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow reduced lot widths, sizes, and setbacks, and 45% site coverage in a zero-lot line single-family residential subdivision.
Rezoning from R-3, Multi-Family Residential, to R-3, Multi-Family Residential, to remove a condition of the previous rezoning.
Council District 6
Case: SUB2004-00272 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Extensions
Spring Grove Subdivision, Unit Two
West terminus of Spring Grove South, extending to the North terminus of Summer Crossings and the West terminus of Spring Grove North; and the West side of Dawes Road extending to the North terminus of Spring Grove Court.
Number of Lots / Acres: 173 Lots / 36.7+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc
Case: SUB2004-00268 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Extensions
Timberlane Woods
At the North terminus of Cross Creek Drive and the West terminus of Larchmont Drive and the West terminus of Timberline Ridge Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 33 Lots / 15.67 ± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc
Council District 6
Case: SUB2001-00177 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Extensions
Bellingrath Road Country Club Estates Subdivision, Addition to
East terminus of Country Club Boulevard and extending through to the Southwest corner of Old Military Road and Section Line Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 569 Lots / 243.0± Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
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Planning Commission Application (revised March 1, 2025)
Short-Term Rental - Conditional Use Permit Application (revised March, 1 2025)
Sidewalk Waiver Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Acquisition of Private Right-of-Way Easement Application
Voluntary Conditions and Use Restrictions Form
Extension of Approval Request Form
Comment Submission