Planning Commission
Planning Commission meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : December 7th 2006
Case: ZON2006-02448
Case Type: New Planned Unit Development Applications
Old Shell Road Apartments
6109 Old Shell Road
(South side of Old Shell Road, 214?+ West of Center Drive).
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development Approval to allow a five-building, 20-unit multi-family residential development on a single building site.
Council District 5
Case: SUB2006-00280 (Subdivision)/ZON2006-02433 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Group Applications
Carlisle Medical Subdivision/Carlisle Properties, LLC
505 Boulevard Park East
(East side of Boulevard Park East, 75?+ North of Boulevard Park South).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.9+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Surveying & Engineering Co., Inc.
Rezoning from R-1, Single-Family Residential, and B-2, Neighborhood Business, to B-2, Neighborhood Business, to eliminate split zoning in a commercial subdivision.
Council District 5
Case: SUB2006-00279
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
R. D. Lowe?s Painting Subdivision
3221 Halls Mill Road
(South side of Halls Mill Road, 120?+ West of Darwood Drive).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 3.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: M. Don Williams Engineering
Council District 4
Case: SUB2006-00278 (Subdivision)/ZON2006-02449 (Planned Unit Development)
Case Type: Group Applications
American Tennis Courts Subdivision
West side of Bolton?s Branch Drive, 620?+ South of Halls Mill Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.4+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: M. Don Williams Engineering
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow an office/warehouse building, above-ground fuel tanks, and four containerized storage units on a single building site.
Council District 4
Case: SUB2006-00277
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Greer and Steiner Subdivision
3509, 3511, and 3515 Riviere du Chien Court
(South side of Riviere du Chien Court, 125?+ West of Riviere du Chien Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 5 Lots / 7.6+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Gregory C. Spies, Esq. Surveyor
Council District 4
Case: SUB2006-00276
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Dave?s First Addition Subdivision
4056 Lloyd Station Road
(North side of Lloyd Station Road, 275?+ East of Interstate 10, extending to the South side of Interstate 10, 450?+ North of Lloyd Station Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 0.9+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Surveying & Engineering Co., Inc.
Council District 4
Case: SUB2006-00275
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
West Church Street Community Development Map No. 31 Subdivision
West side of South Scott Street, extending from Monroe Street to Canal Street, and Southeast corner of Monroe Street and South Scott Street.
Number of Lots / Acres: 6 Lots / 0.7+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Thompson Engineering
Council District 2
Case: SUB2006-00273
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Betty J. Williamson Subdivision
1754 Staples Road and 3901 Alta Vista Drive
(North side of Staples Road, 205?+ East of Alta Vista Drive, extending to the East side of Alta Vista Drive, 280?+ North of Staples Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 1.4+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Robert B. Moseley, PLS
Council District 4
Case: SUB2006-00272
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Creekwood Subdivision, Unit III
South terminus of Ridgeline Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 27 Lots / 36.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2006-00271
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Oak Forest Place Subdivision
South side of Clarke Road, 160?+ East of Dawes Road, extending to the South side of Clarke Road, 160?+ West of Willow Oak Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 15 Lots / 9.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2006-00270
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Country Breeze Subdivision, Resubdivision of Lots 1, 2 and 5, Resubdivision of Lots 1 and 5
West side of McCrary Road, 325?+ South of Stone Road, extending to the South side of Stone Road, 200?+ West of McCrary Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 2.8+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2006-00269
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Woodberry Forest Subdivision, Unit One, Phase Two
North side of Woodberry Drive, 165?+ West of Dawes Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 0.6+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2006-00268
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Wesley Station Subdivision
Southeast corner of Airport Boulevard and Wesley Avenue, extending through Henkley Avenue (unopened right-of-way, to be vacated), to the West terminus of Old Government Street (unopened right-of-way, to be vacated), 150?+ West of Wildwood Avenue.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 4.3+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Clark, Geer, Latham & Associates, Inc.
Council District 6
Case: SUB2006-00267
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Elizabeth Gardens Subdivision, Block B, Resubdivision of Lots 3, 4 & 17
2409 Bunch Road
(South side of Bunche Road, 145?+ West of Stanton Road, extending to the North side of Yerby Drive, 150?+ West of Stanton Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.5+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Council District 1
Case: SUB2006-00266
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
SmithCo Subdivision
1020 Oakland Drive
(Southeast corner of Oakland Drive).
Number of Lots / Acres: 3 Lots / 0.6+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Council District 6
Case: SUB2006-00264
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Island Farms, Hollinger?s Island Subdivision, Jakubowski?s Addition to
2187 and 2201 Island Road
(South side of Island Road, ¼ mile+ West of Bay Road).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 3.2+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Hutchison, Moore & Rauch, LLC
Case: SUB2006-00246 (Subdivision)/ZON2006-02231 (Planned Unit Development)/ZON2006-02247 (Planning Approval)
Case Type: Holdovers
Ashland Place United Methodist Church Subdivision
5, 7, and 15 Wisteria Avenue, and 2203 and 2315 Old Shell Road
(Southwest corner of Old Shell Road and Wisteria Avenue, extending to the North side of Dauphin Street, 285?+ West of Wisteria Avenue).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 3.8+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Cowles, Murphy, Glover & Associates
Planned Unit Development Approval to allow two buildings on a single building site.
Planning Approval to allow expanded parking, an administrative and choir building, chapel transept additions, a new fellowship hall, new courtyard, and playground relocation at an existing church in an R-1, Single-Family Residential district.
Council District 1
Case: SUB2006-00245 (Subdivision)/ZON2006-02227 (Rezoning)
Case Type: Holdovers
Rochester Place Subdivision, Resubdivision of Lots 1, 2, 12, and 13/Rochester Place, LLC (Matthew Walker, Agent)
Northeast and Northwest corners of Rochester Place and Airport Boulevard Service Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 0.7+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Rowe Surveying & Engineering Co., Inc.
Rezoning from R-1, Single-Family Residential, to R-3, Multi-Family Residential, to allow two five-unit multi-family town homes.
Council District 5
Case: SUB2006-00240 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Holdovers
Southern Oaks Estates Subdivision, Unit 6
Northwest corner of Wear Road (paved) and Wear Road (unpaved).
Number of Lots / Acres: 29 Lots / 14.3+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Austin Engineering Co., LLC
Case: SUB2006-00239 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Holdovers
Chesterfield Place Subdivision
North side of Wulff Road South, 200?+ West of Winston Drive West.
Number of Lots / Acres: 41 Lots / 16.6+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Austin Engineering Co., LLC
Case: SUB2005-00248 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Extensions
Stein Subdivision
North side of Airport Boulevard, 380?+ East of Pierce Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 17.6+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2001-00290 (Subdivision)
Case Type: Extensions
Raleigh Subdivision
West side of Cody Road, 870?+ South of Wynnfield Boulevard, and extending to the East terminus of Longview Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 165 Lots / 110.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
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Planning Commission Application (revised March 1, 2025)
Short-Term Rental - Conditional Use Permit Application (revised March, 1 2025)
Sidewalk Waiver Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Acquisition of Private Right-of-Way Easement Application
Voluntary Conditions and Use Restrictions Form
Extension of Approval Request Form
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