Planning Commission
Planning Commission meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : September 1st 2005
Case: ZON2005-01674
Case Type: New Zoning Applications
David Tunstall & MPT Investments, LLC
West side of Cosgrove Drive, 110?+ North of Old Shell Road.Rezoning from B-2, Neighborhood Business, to R-1, Single-Family Residential, to allow single-family dwellings.
Case: ZON2005-01636
Case Type: New Sidewalk Waiver Applications
Dewitt McCrary (M. Don Williams, Agent)
4007, 4051 and 4057 Moffett Road(South side of Moffett Road at Pine Grove Avenue).
Request to waive construction of a sidewalk along Moffett Road.
Case: ZON2005-01635
Case Type: New Sidewalk Waiver Applications
Comfort Suites (M. Don Williams, Agent)
80 Springdale Boulevard(East side of Springdale Boulevard, 325?+ South of East I-65 Service Road South).
Request to waive construction of a sidewalk along Springdale Boulevard.
Case: ZON2005-01291 (Planned Unit Development) D?Iberville Town Homes Subdivision
Case Type: Holdovers
D?Iberville Town Homes Subdivision
South side of Southland Drive, 800?+ West of Knollwood Drive, extending to the West terminus of Southland Drive.
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved planned unit development to allow reduced lot widths, reduced building setbacks, increased site coverage, shared parking, and reduced street widths in a single-family residential town home subdivision.
Number of Lots / Acres: 58 Lots / 10.8+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: SJB Group, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00187
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Deer Port Commerce Park Subdivision
Northeast corner of Dauphin Island Parkway and Deer River Road, extending South and East to the North side of the Theodore Ship Channel, 830?+ East of Dauphin Island Parkway.
Number of Lots / Acres: 5 Lots / 78.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor : Lawler and Company
Case: SUB2005-00183
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Riverwood Estates Subdivision, Phase Three
East side of Rabbit Creek Drive at the East terminus of Gulf Creek Circle (South), extending to the South terminus of Riverwood Landing South.
Number of Lots / Acres: 46 Lots / 30.7+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Austin Engineering Co., Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00181
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Bayou Island Subdivision
North side of Hamilton Boulevard, 2/10 mile+ West of the South terminus of Viking Way.
Number of Lots / Acres: 15 Lots / 19.3+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Lawler and Company
Case: SUB2005-00180
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Walshwood Medical Subdivision, Resubdivision of
Northeast corner of Spring Hill Avenue and Mobile Infirmary Drive extending through to Center Street.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 24.9+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00179
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Bel Air Executive Park Subdivision, Unit 1, Resubdivision of Lots 3 & 4, Lot 1
West side of Executive Park Drive, 350?+ South of Cottage Hill Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.0+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Frank A. Dagley & Associates, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00178
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Water Street Urban Renewal Project Alabama R-34 Subdivision, First Unit, Block 10-D, Resubdivision of Lot 2
South side of St. Madar Street, extending from Marmotte Street to Fishers Alley (formerly Lang Street).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 3.4+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Regan Land Surveying, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00177
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Graceland Subdivision
North side of Howells Ferry Road, ¼ mile+ East of the North terminus of Havens Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 10 Lots / 11.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Speaks & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00176
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Azalea Business Park Subdivision
South side of Moffett Road, 120?+ East of Blackwell Nursery Road South.
Number of Lots / Acres: 24 Lots / 11.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Speaks & Associates Consulting Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00175
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
McRae Place Subdivision
South side of Johnson Road at the South terminus of Cottage Grove Drive.
Number of Lots / Acres: 48 Lots / 19.0+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00174
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Downtown West Subdivision, Unit Six, Resubdivision of Lots 1 & 2
(West side of Downtowner Loop West, 200?+ North of Downtowner Loop South).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 1.1+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor : Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00173
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Camilla Court Subdivision
608 Magnolia Road(West side of Magnolia Road, 125?+ North of Marcelus Drive).
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 0.9+ Acre
Engineer / Surveyor: Marshall A. McLeod, P.L.S., L.L.C.
Case: SUB2005-00156
Case Type: Holdovers
Friendship Subdivision
561 Cody Road North
(West side of Cody Road North, 50?+ North of Fourteenth Street, extending to the North side of Fourteenth Street 90?+ West of Cody Road North and 350?+ West of Lincoln Boulevard, and extending to the South side of Sellers Lane, 655?+ West of Cody Road North).
Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 15.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Lovitte Surveying, Inc.
Case: SUB2005-00153
Case Type: Holdovers
Dawes Lake Trace Subdivision, First Addition
West side of Dawes Lake Road East, 500?+ South of its North Terminus.
Number of Lots / Acres: 12 Lots / 7.5+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
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Planning Commission Application (revised March 1, 2025)
Short-Term Rental - Conditional Use Permit Application (revised March, 1 2025)
Sidewalk Waiver Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Acquisition of Private Right-of-Way Easement Application
Voluntary Conditions and Use Restrictions Form
Extension of Approval Request Form
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