Planning Commission
Planning Commission meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : May 5th 2005
Case: Case #ZON2005-00959
Case Type: Group Applications
Heron Lakes Subdivision, Phase Two, Corrected Plat, Resubdivision of and Addition to Lot 123
Northeast terminus of Blue Heron Ridge.Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development Approval to allow reduced side yard setbacks on all lots 65 wide or less.Council District 4
Case: Case #ZON2005-00946
Case Type: Group Applications
D. E. C. Subdivision
Northwest corner of Television Avenue and Broadcast Drive.Planned Unit Development Approval to allow a reduced street front building setback.Council District 5
Case: Case #ZON2005-00866
Case Type: New Sidewalk Waiver Applications
Syble Watson
4175 Halls Mill Road (East side of Halls Mill Road, 930?+ North of Alden Drive).Request to waive construction of a sidewalk along Halls Mill Road.Council District 4
Case: Case #ZON2005-00843
Case Type: New Planning Approval Applications
City of Mobile ? Transportation Services
Mobile Municipal Park (Area bounded by Illinois Central Gulf Railroad on the North; Gaillard Drive on the West; Azalea City Golf Course and Mobile Botanical Gardens and Municipal Park Ball Fields on the South; and Museum Drive, Spring Hill Connector and Twelve Mile Creek on the East).Planning Approval to allow the addition of a pedestrian bridge across the lake in a public park in an R-1, Single-Family Residential district.Council District 7
Case: Case #ZON2005-00803
Case Type: Group Applications
The Quarters at Heron Lakes Subdivision)
North terminus of Skyview Drive, extending to the West side of Skywood Drive, 650?+ South of Government Boulevard.Planned Unit Development Approval to allow a gated, private street town home and single-family residential subdivision with reduced lot widths and sizes, reduced building setbacks, increased site coverage, alleyway access, and on-street parking.Council District 4
Case: Case #ZON2005-00787
Case Type: Holdovers
Port City Church of Christ
2901 Hillcrest Road (East side of Hillcrest Road, 125?+ South of Medearis Court).
Planning Approval to allow a parking lot expansion at an existing church in an R-1, Single-Family Residential district.
Council District 6
Case: Case #ZON2005-00774
Case Type: Group Applications
John F. Loupe
North terminus of Skyview Drive, extending to the West side of Skywood Drive, 650?+ South of Government Boulevard.Rezoning from R-1, Single-Family Residential, and R-3, Multi-Family Residential, to R-3, Multi-Family Residential, to allow a town home and single-family residential subdivision.Council District 4
Case: Case #ZON2005-00665
Case Type: Holdovers
Parkway Storage LLC
2410 Dauphin Island Parkway
(Southeast corner of Dauphin Island Parkway and Daniels Road West).
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Planned Unit Development Approval to allow expanded outdoor boat and RV storage at an existing mini storage facility.
Council District 4
Case: Case #ZON2004-00970
Case Type: Extensions
Spring Hill College
4000 Dauphin Street
(North side of Dauphin Street, 1800?+ West of Interstate 65).
Planned Unit Development Approval to amend a previously approved Master Plan for an existing college in an R-1, Single-Family Residential district.
Council Districts 5 & 7
Case: Case #SUB2005-00082
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Fairfields Re-Subdivision, Resubdivision of a Portion of Lots 13 and 14, Block 2
3308 Fairfield Road (West side of Fairfield Road, 120?+ South of Gill Road).Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 1.2+ Acres Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.Council District 4
Case: Case #SUB2005-00081
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Peake Place Subdivision
South side of Wimbledon Drive East, extending from South McGregor Avenue to Croydon Road.Number of Lots / Acres: 5 Lots / 1.1+ Acres Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.Council District 5
Case: Case #SUB2005-00080
Case Type: Group Applications
D. E. C. Subdivision
Northwest corner of Television Avenue and Broadcast Drive.Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.4+ Acre Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.Council District 5
Case: Case #SUB2005-00079
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Rangeline Park Subdivision, Eighth Addition, Resubdivision of Lots 1 & 2
South side of Rabbit Creek Drive, 500?+ East of Rangeline Road.Number of Lots / Acres: 3 Lots / 2.2+ Acres Engineer / Surveyor: Polysurveying Engineering ? Land Surveying
Case: Case #SUB2005-00078
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Oakstone Subdivision
Southeast corner of Laurendine Road and Lancaster Road.Number of Lots / Acres: 49 Lots / 32.6+ Acres Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Case: Case #SUB2005-00078
Case Type: Holdovers
Oakstone Subdivision
Southeast corner of Laurendine Road and Lancaster Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 51 Lots / 32.6+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Case: Case #SUB2005-00077
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Clay Subdivision
Northwest corner of Jordan Lane and Byrnes Boulevard.Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.3+ AcreEngineer / Surveyor: M. Don Williams EngineeringCouncil District 5
Case: Case #SUB2005-00075
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Nicholson?s Place Subdivision
1252 St. Madar Street (Northwest corner of St. Madar Street and Hickory Street).Number of Lots / Acres: 1 Lot / 0.3+ Acre Engineer / Surveyor: Sims Surveying Services, Inc.Council District 2
Case: Case #SUB2005-00074
Case Type: New Subdivision Applications
Island Farms, Hollingers Island, Resubdivision of Lot 8 Block 6
6915 Dauphin Island Parkway (East side of Dauphin Island Parkway, 400?+ North of Hammock Road).Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 5.0+ Acres Engineer / Surveyor: Byrd Surveying, Inc.
Case: Case #SUB2005-00072
Case Type: Group Applications
Heron Lakes Subdivision, Phase Two, Corrected Plat, Resubdivision of and Addition to Lot 123
Northeast terminus of Blue Heron Ridge.Number of Lots / Acres: 3 Lots / 0.8+ AcreEngineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.Council District 4
Case: Case #SUB2005-00065
Case Type: Group Applications
The Quarters at Heron Lakes Subdivision)
North terminus of Skyview Drive, extending to the West side of Skywood Drive, 650?+ South of Government Boulevard.Number of Lots / Acres: 85 Lots / 18.3+ AcresEngineer / Surveyor: SJB Group, Inc. Council District 4
Case: Case #SUB2004-00069
Case Type: Extensions
Rangeline-Hamilton Commercial Park Subdivision
North side of Hamilton Boulevard, 700?+ West of Rangeline Road.
Number of Lots / Acres: 12 Lots / 19.1+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: Case #SUB2003-00086
Case Type: Extensions
Oak Pointe Place Subdivision, Unit Two
Northeast corner of Dawes Road and Oak Pointe Court, extending to the South side of proposed Grelot Road extension.
Number of Lots / Acres: 2 Lots / 6.4+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
Case: Case #SUB2001-00207
Case Type: Extensions
Richmond Subdivision
North side of Johnson Road at the North terminus of Scott Dairy Loop Road West.
Number of Lots / Acres: 136 Lots / 62.7+ Acres
Engineer / Surveyor: Rester and Coleman Engineers, Inc.
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Planning Commission Application (revised March 1, 2025)
Short-Term Rental - Conditional Use Permit Application (revised March, 1 2025)
Sidewalk Waiver Application (revised March 1, 2023)
Acquisition of Private Right-of-Way Easement Application
Voluntary Conditions and Use Restrictions Form
Extension of Approval Request Form
Comment Submission