Board of Zoning Adjustment
Board of Adjustment meetings are now in person, and will be live streamed here beginning at 2 PM on each meeting date.
Meeting Date : April 7th 2025
Case: Agenda #08 #6663 BOA-SE-003266-2025
Case Type: Public Hearings
Derica Smith
Location: 1501 Spring Hill Avenue
Applicant/Agent: Derica Smith
Council District: District 2
Proposal: Special Exception approval to allow a daycare in a B-1, Buffer Business Urban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires Special Exception approval to allow a daycare in a B-1, Buffer Business Urban District.
Case: Agenda #07 #6662/6549 BOA-003265-2025
Case Type: Public Hearings
Philip Burton, Burton Property Group, LLC
Location: 720 Museum Drive
Applicant/ Agent: Philip Burton, Burton Property Group, LLC
Council District: District 7
Proposal: Use Variance to allow a hotel on a site currently zoned R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District, within the Neighborhood General sub-district of the Spring Hill Overlay; the Unified Development Code (UDC) does not allow hotels in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District, within the Neighborhood General sub-district of the Spring Hill Overlay.
Case: Agenda #06 #6661 BOA-003263-2025
Case Type: Public Hearings
Cecil Watford
Location: 1501 Winchester Drive
Applicant/Agent: Cecil Watford
Council District: District 4
Proposal: Site Variance for a freestanding garage less than 30-feet from the front property line in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires all structures to be located outside of recorded front setbacks in an R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District.
Case: Agenda #05 #6660/2213 BOA-003249-2025
Case Type: Public Hearings
David Brandt, Fravert Services
Location: 20 Graf Dairy Drive
Applicant/Agent: David Brandt, Fravert Services
Council District: District 1
Proposal: Sign Variance to allow three (3) monument signs, with one (1) being located off-premise, and one (1) exceeding 25 square feet for a multi-family development in a R-3, Multi-Family Residential Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) limits multi-family developments in a R-3, Multi-Family Residential Suburban District to no more than two (2) monument signs per development, with all signs required to be located on the development site, and no larger than 25 square feet.
Case: Agenda #04 #6659/5987 BOA-003230-2025
Case Type: Public Hearings
Sunday Bougher, SGA Design Group
Location: 2570 Government Boulevard
Applicant/Agent: Sunday Bougher, SGA Design Group
Council District: District 5
Proposal: Sign Variance to amend a previously approved Sign Variance to allow one (1) freestanding sign, six (6) wall signs, two (2) informational signs larger than 20 square feet, and an informational roof-mounted sign for a single tenant site in a B-3, Community Business Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) limits single tenant sites in a B-3, Community Business Suburban District to no more than one (1) freestanding sign, two (2) wall signs, informational signs no larger than 20 square feet, and all signs must be placed below the roofline.
Case: Agenda #03 #6658/5933 BOA-003225-2025
Case Type: Public Hearings
Sunday Bougher, SGA Design Group
Location: 1300 North University Boulevard
Applicant/Agent: Sunday Bougher, SGA Design Group
Council District: District 7
Proposal: Sign Variance to amend a previously approved Sign Variance to allow one (1) freestanding sign, three (3) wall signs, and two (2) informational signs larger than 20 square feet for a single tenant site in a B-2, Neighborhood Business Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) limits single tenant sites in a B-2, Neighborhood Business Suburban District to no more than one (1) freestanding sign, two (2) wall signs, and informational signs no larger than 20 square feet.
Case: Agenda #02 #6611/6431/3924 BOA-003020-2024
Case Type: Extensions
PCDA Architecture, Paul Davis
Location: 960 South Lawrence Street
Applicant/Agent: PCDA Architecture, Paul Davis
Council District: District 3
Proposal: Front Yard and Side Street Side Yard Setback Variances to allow a building addition within the required front and side street side yard setbacks in an I-1, Light Industry District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires full compliance with the front yard and side street side yard setback requirements in an I-1, Light Industry District.
Case: Agenda #01 #6605 BOA-003007-2024
Case Type: Extensions
Duncan Greenwood, Downtown Investment Properties, LP
Location: 3760 Joy Springs Drive
Applicant/Agent: Duncan Greenwood, Downtown Investment Properties, LP
Council District: District 4
Proposal: Residential Buffer Variance to allow a vegetative buffer between an R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District and an adjacent B-3, Community Business Suburban District; the Unified Development Code (UDC) requires both a vegetative buffer and a privacy fence/wall where an R-1, Single-Family Residential Suburban District is adjacent to a B-3, Community Business Suburban District.
Meeting Reports, Agendas and Minutes
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