CSS, the City of Mobile's online permitting portal, recently had an upgrade for additional authentication security. All existing and new users must go through a registration (or re-registration) process. Please see the following links for existing and new users.
Civic Access New User Instructions
Civic Access Existing User Instructions

At Build Mobile, We're Here to Help
Building your business in Mobile?
We can help you get started, navigate the process, and remain compliant. We’ve put together some guidelines so you’ll know what to expect.
Questions about the process? Don’t hesitate to get in touch!

Predevelopment Meetings
Need Assistance? We're here to help.
Get in touch to learn how we can help you!

Map for Mobile, Our Comprehensive Plan
Map for Mobile, the City’s comprehensive plan, lays out an exciting vision for Mobile’s long-term preservation, revitalization, and growth. The core values that guide the plan, defined through a robust public process, include a stronger, mixed-use downtown, supported by diverse and connected neighborhoods, businesses, and open spaces. Most importantly, the plan includes realizable action steps to ensure that recommendations become reality.
Learn More Stay Informed